Common Fashion Mistakes

Incorrect fitting 

Wearing baggy clothes can add pounds. Clothes that are too small accentuate unsightly bulges. Don't buy anything thinking that it will be "just right" if you gain or lose weight.

Wrinkle Free

That great suit or dress won't flatter you unless it's wrinkle-free. Avoid this fashion mistake and buy clothes that don't wrinkle or keep an iron handy.

Dressing too trendy

Don't try to satisfy every trend in one day. You'll probably just end up looking silly.

Mixing two seasons in one outfit

Your pieces will contradict each other. Stick with one-season fashions.

Bra and panty lines

Wear proper fitting undergarments underneath your clothing. If they do fit you properly and you still have lines, then your clothing is too tight.

No Expose plz

Keep your bra straps properly adjusted so they're not hanging out. If your pants are low-rise, your panties should be too.

Too much white

White makes you look larger so limit this color. Don't even think about wearing white slacks or pantyhose unless you want to add bulk.

Your skirt or dress is too short

Be comfortable. Make sure you can sit down without having to worry about what areas you're exposing.

Wearing too many colors at once

This will make you look undecided. Stick with one to three colors

Too many prints

Don't try to mix and match prints or you'll look way too busy. Patterns don't look good on everyone. If you're one of those people that look good in just about anything, choose a pattern on the top or bottom, not both.

Wrong accessories

Top off your look with accessories that match your style. Choose the correct length necklace. Short chains and chokers tend to make your neck appear shorter and larger. Don't over-accessorize.

Dark colored clothing, light colored shoes

Or visa versa. Keep your clothing and shoes in the same color family. White and black go with anything, but don't make the mistake of mismatching light and dark colors.

Wearing open-toed shoes with rugged toenails

If you want to expose your feet, pamper them and get a pedicure. Don't think for a minute that people won't look at your toes.

Wearing worn out shoes

Why ruin your look? If you have a favorite pair of ragged shoes, save them for non-public outings.

Keeping theese in mind will definitely make you look good and fashionable.

"Live in the moment and look good now."

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Skin protection factor from UV rays.

SPF Means .

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. It's a number that you can use to help determine how long you can stay in the sun before getting a sunburn.

Since sunburns are caused by UV-B radiation, SPF does not indicate protection from UV-A, which can cause cancer and premature aging of the skin.

Your skin has a natural SPF, partially determined by how much melanin you have, or how darkly pigmented your skin is. The SPF is a multiplication factor. If you can stay out in the sun 15 minutes before burning, using a sunscreen with an SPF of 10 would allow you to resist the burn for 10x longer or 150 minutes.

Although the SPF only applies to UV-B, the labels of most products indicate if they offer broad spectrum protection, which is some indication of whether or not they work against UV-A radiation. The particles in sunblock reflect both UV-A and UV-B.

What are Ultraviolet radiation & what Sunscreens Screen do ??.

Sunscreen filters the light from the sun so that less of it reaches the deeper layers of your skin. Like a screen door, some light penetrates, but not as much as if the door wasn't present. Sunblock, on the other hand, reflects or scatters the light away so that it doesn't reach the skin at all.

The reflective particles in sunblocks usually consist of zinc oxide or titanium oxide. In the past, you could tell who was using a sunblock just by looking, because the sunblock whited out the skin. Not all modern sunblocks are visible because the oxide particles are smaller, though you can still find the traditional white zinc oxide.Sunscreens usually include sunblocks as part of their active ingredients.

The portion of the sunlight that is filtered or blocked is ultraviolet radiation . There are three regions of ultraviolet light.

  • UV-A penetrates deeply into the skin and can lead to cancer and premature skin aging.
  • UV-B is involved in tanning and burning of your skin.
  • UV-C is completely absorbed by the earth's atmosphere.

UVA and UVB, damage the skin, age it prematurely, and increase your risk of skin cancer.

UVB is the chief culprit behind sunburn, while UVA rays, which penetrate the skin more deeply, are associated with wrinkling, leathering, sagging, and other light-induced effects of aging.

Sunscreens vary in their ability to protect against UVA and UVB.

These organic molecules in sunscreen absorb the ultraviolet radiation and release it as heat.
  • PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) absorbs UVB
  • Cinnamates absorb UVB
  • Benzophenones absorb UVA
  • Anthranilates absorb UVA and UVB
  • Ecamsules absorb UVA
Who should use sunscreen?

Anyone over the age of six months should use a sunscreen daily. Even those who work inside are exposed to ultraviolet radiation for brief periods throughout the day, especially if they work near windows, which generally filter out UVB but not UVA rays.

Children under the age of six months should not be exposed to the sun, since their skin is highly sensitive to the chemical ingredients in sunscreen as well as to the sun's rays. Shade and protective clothing are the best ways to protect infants from the sun.

What type suncreen to use?

The answer depends on how much sun exposure you're anticipating. In all cases we recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen offering protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Many after-shave lotions and moisturizers have a sunscreen (usually SPF 15 or greater) already in them, and this is sufficient for everyday activities with a few minutes here and there in the sun. However, if you work outside or spend a lot of time outdoors, you need stronger, water-resistant, beachwear-type sunscreen that holds together on your skin.

Common Myths :-:

Wearing sunscreen can cause vitamin D deficiency!

There is some controversy regarding this issue, but few dermatologists believe (and no studies have shown) that sunscreens cause vitamin D deficiency. Also, vitamin D is available in dietary supplements and foods such as salmon and eggs, as well as enriched milk and orange juice.

If it's cold or cloudy outside, you don't need sunscreen.
This is not true. Up to 40 percent of the sun's ultraviolet radiation reaches the earth on a completely cloudy day. This misperception often leads to the most serious sunburns, because people spend all day outdoors with no protection from the sun.

Hope this article will you an idea of spf and usage of suncreens ,feel free to write your views @


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Perfect Skin.


Because of all the cleansers and exfoliating products on the market, many people think they need to “super-clean” their faces.Most cleansers cause dryness that leaves the skin unprotected and more vulnerable to irritation and infection.Alcohol-based cleansers are some of the worst but there are other “bad” ingredients.

Whenever possible, just use plain warm water and a clean soft cloth for washing your face. Occasionally, you can use a deep cleansing mask.


After every bath or shower, you should moisturize your whole body. People with oilier complexions don’t like this piece of advice but it helps to keep the skin healthy, beautiful, and more youthful looking.

One of the keys to being satisfied with your moisturizer is to choose one that contains the right ingredients. Plant-based oils such as grape seed or olive oil are better choices than petroleum-based ingredients like mineral oil and petrolatum.They simply leave the skin feeling and looking smoother.

Get Sun exposure 

A little bit of sun helps relieve many skin conditions, including acne .Sun gives you vitamin D.

If you are fair-skinned, spend about 10 minutes a day in the sun. If you have darker skin, you can stay out a little longer. Check with your dermatologist to find out how long you can safely stay out in the sun.

Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidant-rich foods help to protect your skin from the inside out. All fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants. Salmon provides a unique antioxidant called astaxanthin that seems to be particularly beneficial for your skin.

You might also consider taking some good dietary supplements,which you can chech out in my previous posts.Your skin is an organ of your body. 

With good nutrition and gentle skincare products, you can have flawless and “perfect” skin.

Take care.

Thank you for reading.

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